british white beef

RLC Farms MN, LLC is a proud member of the American British White Park Association.

Click on the logo to find out more information.

The calves started coming! The first set of A.I. calves are here and the second half plus more RLC Farms Turbo calves coming soon. So far, so good!!!

British White Cows for Sale

Looking to get into this breed or add to your herd?  We can help!

RLC Farms Sierra & Jada 2024

Reserve Campion​-MN Beef Expo 2024.

American British White Beef cattle.

We pride ourselves on the product we offer you.  We look at the whole picture:  build, temperament, color, easy calving, and great tasting meat.  We aren't happy unless you, our customers, are happy.  We make sure you are getting what the breed really is and we strive to excel on that.  Check out this awesome breed that does well on just grass and is so affectionate and gorgeous!​  There is misinformation about the British White and American British White Park cattle being different.  These polled cattle are, in fact, the same breed and both derived from the same single cattle association that started in the U.S. in 1975 which was then called the White Park Association.  The breed originated in England. There are now two different associations for registry in the U.S., and you should not confuse either of them with being the rare Ancient White Park horned cattle. The American British White Park cattle are naturally polled.
We have had visitors from all over the U.S. and even other countries! We welcome you anytime; just let us know when you are coming!  ​You will be pleased to know our cattle are quality American British White Parks and we do not use a breed-up program. We only use registered, purebred, quality American British White Park bulls and females to assure you the best of the breed.
RLC Farms MN LLC British White Cattle


Can you pet your bull, or pet a calf by it's mother?  If you had RLC Farms British White Park cattle you could!

RLC Farms British White Parks

Quality cattle doesn't just happen. It takes a well-bred, thought-out breeding program and that's where we come in.

Your Source for Registered, Purebred, Naturally Polled, Quality British White Parks!